For the last 12 years my personal and professional life has evolved in and around museums, science centers and exhibitions. Musealist will document my visits to museums and exhibitions. I will describe enjoyable experiences and will look at things like design, collection, content, interactivity, new technologies, hands on activities, immersive experiences, spaces, community engagement, education, programming, staff and volunteers.

I hope this section helps potential visitors as a guide and a motivation to visit the museums and exhibitions here presented and to museum professionals as a tool and as an example of best practices.

July 17, 2017

MuseumNext Europe 2017 Conference: The Future of Museums Takes Shape in Rotterdam.

I recently got back from MuseumNext Europe, the conference that took place in Rotterdam between the 26 and 28 of June and that brought together more than 500 museum professionals from more than 40 countries. This year the conference theme was “Museum Game Changers”, a celebration of those people, ideas and technologies that are changing the landscape of the museum sector”.
July 5, 2017

“David Bowie Is” at the Barcelona Design Museum

How about Bowie’s exhibition? Is it worth the money? Friends are asking after my visit to the exhibition. The simple answer is “It is a really good exhibition” and “Yes, it’s worth the money”. But let me try to tell you why.