My name is Ricardo Mutuberria.

I am a scientist, a science communicator and a museum innovator. I promote scientific culture by transforming science into social, fun, engaging experiences.

I was born in Getxo, a beautiful seaside town close to Bilbao, the city internationally known for the “Guggenheim Effect”. Life and living organisms have always fascinated me. I am a vocational biologist, a trained scientist, a museum professional and a natural communicator.

Why do I do what I do?

There have been a few mayor transformative events that have led me to really enjoy what I do for a living.

Struggling through the traditional model of education was the first one. With the exception of some positive experiences, often lead by remarkably talented and dedicated teachers, the rest of my education has been quite disappointing.

Unfortunately I also didn´t have access to informal learning experiences at science centers, museums, exhibitions or other science related events. So it gives me great joy to see kids, youth and citizens, enjoy the learning experiences I never had.

The second transformation occurred when after never ending years of theoretical education, I finally joined the laboratories that allowed me to truly understand science and fully revealed the scientist in me.

Applying the scientific method changed my brain for ever. It made me a better observer, more analytical, a critical thinker and a problem solver. We are all scientist, artist, engineers or musicians. All we need is the space, the tools and the appropriate social interactions to bring it out.

Working at museums and science centers caused the third transformation. The American Museum of Natural History gave me the opportunity to work hand in hand with some of the most talented professionals around the world in informal education, museum and exhibition design, content development, events, visitor experience and visitor engagement, traveling exhibition touring and business development.

I have a vision for the future of museums and the future of traveling exhibitions. We will see major changes taking place in the next 20 years and I plan to have an active role in that transformation.

The final transforming event was a consequence of living in New York and being exposed to innovative models of learning, scientific and cultural production.

The maker movement, the Do It Yourself biology movement and more specifically my involvement at Genspace, a research lab open to the community in Brooklyn, proved to me that science is a social process for learning through experience.

I have now visited and participated at many maker spaces and DIY bio laboratories. In the upcoming years we will see the spread of community science labs to museums, libraries, schools and universities. Scientific production will become a multidisciplinary social and practical learning experience open to everyone. I want to help institutions create customized community laboratories and undertake that transition.